Vision: A Sacred Pilgrimage

Shaman Portal is proud to invite you to make a sacred pilgrimage to the top of the High Andes of Ecuador, 8,307 ft high. You will be staying in the breathtaking Valley of the Dawn surrounded by the majestic peaks of the Imbabura (15,190 ft), Cotacachi (16,388 ft), and Mojanda (13,983 ft) volcanoes.

There, we invite you to meet some of the most renowned and powerful shamans and wisdom keepers of our time. Their formidable indigenous teachings—kept in secret by past generations—will be shared with you for the first time at The Andes Summit. Their perspectives, messages, and teachings are utterly vital for healing the maladies of our out-of-balance modern lives. By immersing yourself in the culture, history, and healing practices of the Andes, you honor the people and places that gave rise to such important and powerful wisdom.

Be A Part of the New Era

The Andes Summit helps to manifest the arrival of the ancient Inca prophecy of the Eagle and the Condor. The new Pachacuti—a 500-year period of corrections to time and space—marks a return of the feminine energies and heralds a time when the Eagle of the North and the Condor of the South will fly together in peace and harmony in the same clear skies. It is a vision of a new society based on compassion, the honoring of diversity, and a shared evolution toward wisdom and the "subtleness of life."

Make A Promise for the Future

By making this sacred pilgrimage, meeting the shamans and their families in their ancestral lands, you prove to them and the younger generation, that we in the North truly value what they have to give us, and we encourage future generations to value and sustain the ancient and timeless wisdom of their people.

Connect to the Forces of Nature

These incredible Yachaks (Bird men and women, or Shamans) draw their immense spiritual and healing power from the Apus—Gods—who live in the high-energy volcanic Ring of Fire summits. They intimately connect to Taita Inti (Father Sun), Pachamama (Mother Earth), Mama Killia (Grandmother Moon) and Hatun Pachakamak, the Great Mystery that created us all.

Rejuvenate and Heal Your Body and Soul

Each Shaman practices their medicine differently according to their families’ traditions. La Limpia—the mysterious energy cleansing ceremony—is most commonly used in the Andes. La Limpia involves the removal of negative energies to heal the physical, emotional and spiritual bodies. Other Shamans perform Taki Sami, the sound vibrational healing method that uses musical instruments and voice. Each Shaman uses different diagnostic reading tools such as candle flames, palm readings, or eggs to accurately tell you about your emotional and physical problems and how to heal them. The Shamans may prescribe herbal teas, special baths and dietary changes for optimal health. During the Summit, you will also have the option to explore plant medicine, such as Ayahausca and San Pedro (Huachuma).

A Total Cultural Immersion Experience

You will have the unparalleled opportunity to experience their healing yourself, in the Shamans’ own homes. You will be able to dance, sing and participate in the famous Inti Raimi Solstice celebrations in their villages. You are invited to hike to sacred lakes and waterfalls, visit an ancient Sun Temple, pyramids and bustling markets.